The famous reality shows India Banega Manch is back again with its 2nd season. The show will be telecasted in Colors TV which will try to replicate the success of the 1st season of the show. The contestants here will be seen performing on streets and they will try to attract the general public to their potential.
If you have any kind of talent which attracts people like singing, dancing, acting, modeling, magic, or anything else, you can join the show. The unique concept of the show made the 1st season a huge success. The host of the show will be talented comedian Krushna Abhishek and Mona Singh.
Criteria for India Banega Manch Season 2 Online Registration:
The participants can register for the show online on the official website or by downloading the Colors TV app from the Play Store. Other than that there are certain criteria you need to follow before registration. Check them out.
- The age of the contestant must be over 3 years.
- If a contestant is below the age of 18, first he should read all terms and conditions before participating. You can find the terms and conditions at
- You must create a video of your talent but the video must not be more than 2 to 3 minutes.
- The size of the video must not cross the limit which is 10 mb.
- The format of the video must be MPEG, MOV, MP4, or Avi.
- Government authorized address proof and identity proof is needed for participation.
- The contestant must be residing in India.
- If you are participating in the contest with your full group than documents are required for each and every participant of the group.
India Banega Manch Season 2 Audition Date & Venue:
The officials will check the uploaded video and if they like it, you will be called to showcase your talent on the show. Then it’s all upon your performance and how well you can attract the general people. The auditions are going to start soon.
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
The date and the venues are not yet announced but we will update them on our website as soon as the channel releases the date and the venues. Stay tuned for more updates on India Banega Manch Season 2 and if you think that you have the potential to get the gold, don’t wait for anything just go and fill the registration form.