The popular Bengali channel Star Jalsha featuring non-fiction dance reality show “Dance Dance Junior”, has gained a massive amount of attention in its first two seasons. This Dance reality show has proved to be the perfect platform for young dancing talents to showcase their dancing skills. The first season launched in 2019 created a lot of buzz and attracted many young dancers.
With the veteran actor and amazing dancer Mithun Chakraborty seen as Mahaguru, the standards set are already pretty high. As Soham Chakraborty and Srabanti Chaterjee were seen as the judges in the previous seasons, it would be interesting to see who the judges of the third season of Dance Dance Junior Season 3 will be. After back to back two successful seasons, the auditions and registration for season 3 are set to begin soon.
Below are the important eligibility, audition, and registration details for Dance Dance Junior season 3 (2022) –
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicant’s age must be between 5-12 years.
- All identity details of Indian citizenship along with age proof should be kept handy at the time of audition.
- No Criminal Background.
- All the identity and other documents should be original and genuine.
- Applicant should be well versed with Bengali Language.
Dance Dance Junior season 3 Auditions
- Go to the Hotstar website or download the Hotstar application through google Playstore or iOS.
- Search and browse through the online application form for Dance Dance season 3.
- Fill the details in the required fields appropriately with genuine details.
The Required fields would be –
- Name –
- Parent/Guardian details –
- Date of Birth –
- Current & Permanent Address –
- Email Address –
- Contact Number –
- Photograph (Attach passport size) –
- Once the required fields are filled with basic details, then you would have to attach a small audition video of your dance.
- Make sure the size of the audition video does not exceed above 3MB and is not for more than 3 minutes.
- After submitting the audition video, read the terms and conditions carefully and then select “I agree”
- After this, you will be able to submit your audition details and register for the season.
Once you are done with the submission, the show officials will look through your audition video and carry on the further selection process. If they find you interesting and entertaining with talent, you will be contacted by them soon.
You can check more details about the Dance Dance Junior season 3 (2022) on their official facebook page – or on their official website. The official dates for the registrations to start are not announced yet but expect them anytime soon. Stay tuned!