Check complete details for India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 4 (2020) online registration and auditions date and venue details
India’s Best Dramebaaz is an Indian Television reality show for children aged 4-15 years. Essel production produced this show, and three seasons were over. This kid’s show is the most popular and one can see it on Zee TV. Now, season 4 is going to start, and those interested in this show can register and take part in auditions.
Coming to the registrations’ and auditions’ date, the show has yet to announce it clearly. So, one can expect the show to start soon, and the makers announce the starting date officially.
Online Registration & Eligibility Criteria:
Participants can get the registration form of the show soon on the official website. As soon as the registration form is available, participants can fill the form, give your contact and personal details. Along with the details, one has to upload the audition video clip of your kids for sure.
It is also allowed to register directly on the auditions venue, but it is safer to apply prior online. Coming to the eligibility criteria for the participants, check the below conditions.
- The kids applying for the IBD auditions should be in the age group 5-14 years
- Auditions gates will open sharp at 9 AM
- A Participant should be an Indian resident or an NRI
- A participant should be medically fit
- No criminals can participate in this show
India’s Best Dramebaaz 2020 Auditions:
To show your children’s unique talent, this show acts as the perfect platform. Zee TV will reveal the auditions date of the fourth season soon to the public. This television reality show conducts IBD auditions for those kids aged between 5 to 14 years.
Auditions may take place in different places of the country such as Pune, Guwahati, Lucknow, Varanasi, Indore, Ranchi, Kolkata, Patna, Bhopal, Jaipur, Dehradun, Delhi, Amritsar, Nagpur, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Patna. Auditions’ starting dates in different places of the country may open from 9 AM to 2 PM.
Allow your talented kids to participate in this show and those who wanted to choose acting as a career. Stay tuned with us for more details about auditions in India.
Please audition me for India’s best dramebazz i am really very interested in auditioning .
i also want to participate