After 9 successful seasons, Kalakka Povathu Yaaru 2020 is back on Star Vijay with its 10th season. It’s a reality stand-up comedy show which is entertaining the audience from a long time and always stands high on the TRP charts. If you think that you can make people laugh, you are more than welcome to join the show. Check out the audition and registration details mentioned below.
Audition & Registration Details
If you are interested to enroll in this upcoming season, you need to follow the below mentioned steps to complete the registration –
- Visit the official website of the show from your PC. Other than that, if you want to register via mobile, you can also download and install the Hotstar App from playstore.
- You will find the option of registering for the show Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru Season 10.
- An application form will open where you have to enter all necessary details like Name, Address, Mobile Number, etc.
- After that, you have to upload your funny audition video recorded by you.
- Now, in the lower part of the form click on the agree to the terms and conditions and hit the submit button.
- The officials will check out the audition video and if they find that you are entertaining enough to join the show, they will contact you.
The date and time for the auditions have not been announced yet officially. They will be updated as soon as they get announced officially. Stay tuned with us to get more details on Vijay TV’s Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru 2020 Season 10.