One of the best platform to showcase your cooking talent in Tamil Nadu is Kitchen Super Star of Star Vijay TV. Here you just have to cook your special dishes and impress the judges to get the trophy of Kitchen Super Star. The show is in its 5th season this year after a brilliant 4 season journey. Now you must be thinking about how to join the show? Full details on the registration process and audition will be described here.
Contestants from all over the state are welcome to participate in the show which is being judged by Dr. Dhamu, Venkatesh Bhat, and Suresh. In the audition round, you have to cook a dish to impress the judges. The show is highly appreciated for its different format which is very different from all other shows in Tamil Nadu. That is the reason, it is among one of the top shows in Star Vijay TV.
Kitchen Super Star Season 5 Registration Process for Selection:
- First of all, to participate in the show, you need to fill up the online application form which you will get at the official website of the show.
- You have to clearly mention your specialty and skills their along with all your other basic information. Then just submit the form and you are done. But before submission, don’t forget to check all the details properly to get completely assured that there is no fault in the application form.
- Now after the submission of your form if your form got selected, the associates of the show will contact you with the audition details and venue. They will mention the date and the time you have to be present in the venue.
- In the audition, just try to be yourself and make the best dish you can and wait for the results as it all depends on the decision of the judges. You can cook veg or non-veg both dishes for the show.
- For more rules and regulations, you can visit the official website of the show, Kitchen Super Star.
Kitchen Super Star Season 5 Audition Date and Venue:
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
The date for the audition or the registration for the show has not been yet released but it will be updated here on our website as soon as it releases. The venues for the audition are Chennai, Trichy, and Coimbatore. For more updates on Kitchen Super Star Season 5, please stay connected with us.
Interest in cooking or Love to make new dishes or want to showcase your cooking skills on national level, you may check more Cookery show auditions and online registration details here.