Punjab De Superchef is a cooking reality show which has completed four seasons and is set to come back with the 5th season in 2020. The show airs on PTC Punjabi. The first three seasons were hosted by popular Chef Harpal Singh Sookhi, who was also the host. In the fourth season, the judge and host were celebrity chef Amrita Raichand.
In order to be eligible for participating in the show, you must be a citizen of India and must possess a valid identity document.
Punjab De Superchef Season 5 Registration Process:
To participate in the show, you need to prepare a dish and share the photo of the dish along with its recipe on the WhatsApp number 9667300286. You will also have to send your details such as name, age, and contact details. You can also post photos of the dish, recipe, and your contact details through email to [email protected].
The Punjab De Superchef team analyzes the recipes. Each shortlisted candidate is visited by the team of the cooking reality show for camera shooting of the recipe. The candidates selected after this round move to the next stage.
Punjab De Superchef Season 5 Auditions Details – Date and Venue :
Amritsar audition :
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Chandigarh audition :
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Ludhiana audition :
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Jalandhar audition :
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
The dates for the auditions of Punjab De SuperChef Season 5 have not been announced yet.