MTV Roadies is the popular adventure TV reality show in India. The show has completed 17 seasons, the last being Roadies: real heroes. The show is all set for the new season called Roadies: Revolution. Celebrity TV host Rannvijay Singh hosts the show.
The new season is truly a revolution as the auditions for the show are conducted virtually. Yes, you heard me right; the creators of the show decided to maintain the norms of the present situation by taking auditions online. Amid Coronavirus pandemic, the show is all set to take virtual auditions of the interested contestants. This is the first time in 17 seasons for the show to go online for auditions.
As of 27 April, the virtual auditions for Roadies Revolution started. Roadies’ live audition is a fantastic effort on the part of the creators and hosts to maintain the social norms and reach the youth of India. The new and virtual auditions are all set to provide a power-packed experience to both viewers and judges.
Roadies’ revolution will feature host Rannvijay Singh, Actor Neha Dhupia, Nikhil Chinappa, rapper Raftaar, and TV reality show celebrity Prince Narula as celebrity leaders, who will be online for taking auditions of the selected contestants.
MTV Roadies Revolution LIVE Auditions
The procedure for taking part in the online Roadies Revolution audition is simple. If you think you have what it takes to be on the show with the gang leader, then get online and register. The interested candidates can get their registration done on Voot and give a live audition to take part in the show.
Steps for registering online on the Voot app to take part in the Roadies Revolution
- Visit the official page of the Voot –
Or you can also download the app on your smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
- On visiting the official page or on the app, look for the online tab registration for roadies.
- Click on registration for Roadies revolution audition 2020
- A new pop up window will open up with a form to be filled by the person willing to take part in the show
- Fill the details like name, age and contact information
- The form will also require you to upload a recent photo and a video.
In case you find it difficult to follow all these steps, click on the link below to take you to the registration page directly.
The video to be uploaded with the registration form should consist of 50MB and in mp4, .mov or avi. format. The video should be about Aap Roadie banke kaunsa revolution liana chahoge? The video uploaded will give you a chance to be part of the live audition of the Roadies Revolution on Facebook live.
Why are you waiting? Visit the official Voot page and start the registration process. All the best!!!