Dance India Dance or DID is a reality dance show which is aired on one of the finest Indian entertainment TV channels, Zee TV. The show is created & produced by Essel Vision Productions and the first season of the show aired way back in 2009. Since then, the show is beating its own TRP records with every passing year. In 2019, the show premiered their 7th season. Hosted by Karan Wahi, the show is one of the best shows to watch on TV now.
Judges and Contestants:
Bollywood superstar Kareena Kapoor Khan started to judge the show but was replaced by her elder sister and another Bollywood superstar Karishma Kapoor. Along with her choreographer Bosco Martis and rapper Raftaar is judging the show.
A total of 4 teams are there with 4 coaches to train the dancers. The list goes on like this:
North Ke Nawabs (Bhawna Khanduja)
- Malka Praveen
- Hardik Rawat
- Unreal Crew
- N-House Crew
East ke Tigers (Palden Lama)
- Richika Sinha
- Nrutya Naivedya
- D. Hasan
- Pop & Flex
West ke Singhams (Paul Marshal)
- Kings Squad
- Mansi Dhruv
- Pranshu and Kuldeep
- Akshay Pal
South ke Thalaivas (Sneha Kapoor)
- Ramya and Bhaskar
- The Soul Queens
- Anil and Tejas
- Loyala Dream Team
Grand Finale, Winner Name & Prize Money:
The show is still going on so it’s very hard to tell right now that who is going to win the prestigious trophy this time around. Along with the trophy, the winner will also get a cash prize of INR 5 Lakh. We will update the date of the finale and the name of the winner as soon as they get announced officially.
Stay tuned with us for more information on your favorite reality dance show Dance India Dance Season 7.